Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fun Friday - Arab Marketplace

We are overjoyed that the Thompsons are sharing again in our Fun Fridays. YAY! We had so much fun doing projects together last year. Since we are all in Year 2 of the Tapestry of Grace homeschool curriculum, we work together on projects and activities. I believe I look forward to Fun Fridays as much as the kids.

This particular Friday we were building the model of a Middle Ages Arabian marketplace. It was exciting to see how the children have matured even since last year. They each came prepared with their "building" and we worked together on creating the "wares" to sell. They quickly divided themselves into little teams or areas of responsibility. The littler ones were helped by the bigger ones. Some fashioned little baskets, some formed clay fruit, some worked on fabric items, etc. Last year, Jen and I had to orchestrate more of the projects, but it seems our children may be maturing into actual teamwork!! I was very proud of them all. We had to add the obligatory Lego guys for fun. Even that required little Gabe to find all the parts and get the guys built before everyone arrived to work on the project. Lessons abound.

I am thankful to God for restoring my desire and joy for homeschooling.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad He did it too!! It made me so incredibly sad for you last year when you had to send the kids out to school. I am so happy for you Tiffany.
